very very cool movie
kill bills one of my favorite movies and this was great I love the seal and property of phil jokes and then how the charries take it all serious
very very cool movie
kill bills one of my favorite movies and this was great I love the seal and property of phil jokes and then how the charries take it all serious
very good better than other 2
hey silver_sniper , yeah you! the one that reveiwed before me, if you watched the last two stick fights you would know that its the same white stick man that always wins, didn't you see those cool little grapple hooks thingies in all three. AnyhOO the way the blue stick pulled out those two stick weapon things and used them it somehow reminded me of the start wars kid, the falling fight and blue sticks death were the best.
nice, better than first somehow
friggin hilarious
this is friggin funny crap, whoever made this is a genius. it also shows that the graphics in mgs1 are really crap, good ending with liquid snake.